LIVE ... Gagasi FM

[h5]Gagasi World: What You Want To Hear[/h5] The midnight cafe is a midnight early morning show that is between 1 am to 4 am. This is a laid-back so that helps to keep company to all those who work during the midnight shift e.g. nurses policemen night guards truck drivers and anyone who might be up at that time of the night studying for their school work and exams. The show is not too hectic and it is laid-back and driven by the listener into action.  Features: Midnight check-in. Mon- Friday 01:20-01:40 This is where I ask listeners to send voice notes and comments on the Facebook page letting me know where they are, who they are, and where they are listening from. 2 links Eythebeni: Mon and Friday 02:10-02:40 This is anything goes conversations, generally delving into the days' events and highlighting certain things from the topics making headlines and tabling them for light-hearted conversations Off My Chest: Tues and Thur 02:10-02:40 This is a venting platform where i allow the listeners who are up, abaqwashile ngenxa yesimo abadlula kuso to let it out, babhodle ngesimo sabo and get others to chime in with peices of advice. Oorkant connect Wed 02:10-02:40 This is a connect interview with other fellow Gagasi FM listeners who are living and working abroad but have not forgotten Gagasi Fm, we get into their lives. Try to find out how they ended up leaving and how is life in their new country and encourage others who might want to take the plunge of relocating to a different world. Emarenkeni: Mon-Fri 03:10-03:20 This is where we interact with listeners from the transport industry. taxi drivers, e-hailing services, truck drivers and other. giving them an opportunity to send well wishes to others in their sector.Abagibeli get to chime in as well wishing their sta bus driver or regular driver all the best. Reality Check: Mon-Fri 03:40 This is a one link motivational piece scripted by presenter, sharing their words of wisdom often times from a famous quote either from a book, bible or [hr] [h5]Categories[/h5][size 16]R&B, Soul, Hip Hop[/size][h5]Social Media[/h5][link][img][/img][/link][link][img][/img][/link][link][img][/img][/link][link][img][/img][/link][link][img][/img][/link]

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