[h5]WRUV - Wikipedia[/h5] The station's philosophy towards broadcasting is to "provide a mixture of different styles of music and an alternative to the watered-down offerings of corporate-commercial radio". From soul, indie, jazz, house, hip-hop, classical, reggae, Latin, to eclectic, the music choice is left to the disc jockey. Each DJ is assigned a weekly slot of one to three hours and allowed to program their own style of show (free format). The only restrictions are that no more than 20% of a DJ's playlist can be by artists who have charted in the Billboard Hot 100, and that no song that has charted in the Billboard Hot 100 can be played. [hr] [h5]Categories[/h5][size 16]Modern Rock, AAA - Adult Album Alternative, College[/size][h5]Social Media[/h5][link http://wruv.org/][img]https://onair.click/theme/icon/btn-website.png[/img][/link][link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WRUV][img]https://onair.click/theme/icon/btn-website.png[/img][/link][link https://instagram.com/wruvfm][img]https://onair.click/theme/icon/btn-instagram.png[/img][/link][link https://twitter.com/wruvfm][img]https://onair.click/theme/icon/btn-twitter.png[/img][/link][link https://www.facebook.com/WRUVFM][img]https://onair.click/theme/icon/btn-facebook.png[/img][/link]

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