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[h5]WAAM - Wikipedia[/h5] The WAAM studios were almost completely destroyed by a fire in September 1968, forcing the station to broadcast from a trailer in its parking lot for over a year. The station moved into new studios in 1969 and at that time dropped all rock programming to become a full-time MOR ("middle-of-the-road") station. It took several years, however, for the station to fully recover from the fire, as it did not return to its full licensed power of 5,000 watts until early 1973, broadcasting with only 250 watts non-directional in the meantime. [hr] [h5]Categories[/h5][size 16]News, Talk[/size][h5]Social Media[/h5][link][img][/img][/link][link][img][/img][/link][link][img][/img][/link]

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