LIVE ... WEOS Finger Lakes Public Radio

[h5]WEOS - Wikipedia[/h5] In July 1988, lightning struck the antenna, and a fire destroyed the transmitter and related equipment. The transmitter was to be replaced and back on the air by the start of the school year, but the new transmitter was destroyed in-transit in a truck accident. The replacement transmitter did not arrive until mid December 1988. The Harris FM1-K was installed in a new location in Winn-Seeley gym, including its Optimod 8100A. The STL link was a buried multi-conductor shielded audio cable running from building to building from Sherrill Hall in the old Alpha System fire alarm conduit. The station used to run audio and voltages on these cables, in a home-built remote control. The advent of the new transmitter, and a new remote control, allowed for the stereo send/return audio from remote pickup transmitters (MARTI) and the data to use this cable, which when equalized, was flat from 15 Hz to 22 kHz! [hr] [h5]Categories[/h5][size 16]Public, AAA - Adult Album Alternative[/size][h5]Social Media[/h5][link][img][/img][/link][link][img][/img][/link]

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