LIVE ... KSUA 91.5 FM

[h5]KSUA - Wikipedia[/h5] There can be anywhere from 30 to 100 volunteers at one time, normally managed by 6-9 paid student staff members (depending on the needs at the time). These positions are normally kept for a year or two and are reviewed annually by the general manager. The general manager in turn is reviewed by the Media Board. The Media Board is a small board of volunteer UAF students and UAF staff who oversee the monthly operations of the station and the general manager. They also approve the annual budget and assist in helping the general manager make large decisions. [hr] [h5]Categories[/h5][size 16]College, Educational[/size][h5]Social Media[/h5][link][img][/img][/link][link][img][/img][/link][link][img][/img][/link][link][img][/img][/link][link][img][/img][/link][link][img][/img][/link]

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