LIVE ... India Sings

[h5]sankarsrinivasan -[/h5] In addition, it is well documented that most lottery winners lose or spend all of their prize money within five years of winning. Lottery advertising is heavily targeted at men and the young, while women, Hispanics, and those with less education are less likely to participate. It is also important to note that those who are homeless, the unemployed, and those with mental or physical problems tend not to participate in the lottery at all. These facts should give pause to anyone who advocates the continued operation of a state lottery. The lottery is a form of gambling, and it is not in the best interests of society to promote such a harmful activity. Lotteries should be abolished, or at the very least be subject to stricter regulations. This would require a new approach to the way in which the game is advertised, and it would require that states set aside funds to address the social and economic impacts of the lottery. [hr] [h5]Categories[/h5][size 16]Tamil, Hindi, Classical[/size][h5]Social Media[/h5][link][img][/img][/link][link][img][/img][/link][link][img][/img][/link][link][img][/img][/link][link][img][/img][/link]

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